Senin, 13 September 2010


Once upon0time muria mountain, there live the family of sunan muria, Amir, Hasan, or called as sunan nyampulungbn is the son of sunan muria.
He has very spoiled by his mother because of that, he came naughty boy then is father sunan muria asked him to study in Kudus, he studied is Lamic religion to his uncle, Sunan Kudus after some time, he came an obdien young man sunan muria was very pround of him.
One day sunan muria asked Amir hasan to go spread islamic religion his father asked him to go to an island that could be seen from muria mountain, it was on the west - north of Jepang this island seemed to be fade Kremun - Kremun in Javanes.

1. What is title purpose text ?
a. karimun Java
b. legend Karimun Java
c. Java island
d. East java

2. Who is baby man sunan nyampulungan ?
a. Amir
b. Hasan
c. nyampulungan
d. sunan muria

3. Who uncle From Sunan muria ?
a. Sunan Kudus
b. Sunan ampel
c. Amir
d. Hasan

4. What is direction in the text asked religion ?
a. Sunan muria to spread islamic religion
b. Amir fishing mountain maria
c. Sunan kudus shoping
d. Karimun island of objeck

5. From is the text Karimun Java is ... ? your iman
b.there must spread islamic religision can please
d.fauna live mountain muria

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